Dr.Warren Barconia
Hi, My name is Warren Barconia. My goal is to bring peace and understanding to this world I live in while I'm here. I am a father of 2 Law Students and currently raising more. My life didn't start so easy. I was raised on Chicago's westside. During the 90's Chicago was a very high crime area. Boasting with Drug Dealers, Robbers, Pimps, Scammers and Prostitution. I started getting incarcerated as a juvenile at the age of 17. At the age of 18, I did County Jail time in Dallas County. When I turned 31, I went to Federal Prison for money laundering. After making the wrong choices in life. I decided to take control over my life and my family. Currently I am Author of the Series Book "Spiritual Realm" a Human Rights Consultant and a Motivational Speaker. I am also a Ordained Minister. My Goal through my speaking is to give one a clearer mind to make wiser decisions. Our life is not easy. Making sudden decisions without thinking could cost you. Also the main issue we are seeing today is the lack of love for one another. We must detect when someone is not receiving the proper love. Then act on it. making sure that everyone feels loved is the first line of healing the world. We Must Have Faith In Our Lord Jesus Christ.