This election has proven that as a society we have been dumb down. What a choice to choose from. No questions answered from either side. America is left up for grabs by whomever is willing to follow the agenda. What this country was built for is not what it’s turning out to be. The decline of humanity is falling dramatically. When will we as a people wake up and realize that no man can lead a nation of people in unity without God. God made us all and only through God we can unite. So let’s stop playing the political game and stand up for what right. The word of God is the only correction and just man needs to survive. My vote this year will be Jesus Christ the one and only true savior!
Warren Barconia
Human Rights consultant
I have been told that you are an eighth grade dropout at the age of 16 and that much is evident from your post. If you feel that no questions were answered at the debate, then you must be a maga person that believes in people eating cats. You are…